di Brizzi, Aldo

Serenata per J

SI El - 2000 - 1'

Riferimento: KIENTZY, DANIEL

Dettagli opera

Genericamente indicato per 2 strumenti uguali o 1 strumento live e lo stesso strumento preregistrato, è stato dedicato al saxofonista francese Daniel Kientzy che l’ha eseguito in prima mondiale nel 2000 a Brno con il saxofono sopranino.

Commento autore

«In 1981 Peixinho wrote "Serenata per A" as a homage to the city which had organised the first performance (Acqui Terme), to the ensemble which played it (Antidogma), and to myself who had requested the piece. In later years I conducted this beautiful work on several occasions in Portugal and Germany. Now, at the request of Daniel Kientzy, I have written a small homage to my friend. Serenata per J contains two types of music that unfold at the same time: one is very calm, slow and highly reverberant, the other is fast, furious and very dry: a homage to the worlds that Jorge loved, those of the aleatory, of articulation and of musical style». (Aldo Brizzi su http://www.aldobrizzi.net)


[CD• In Memorian Jorge Peixinho - Daniel Kientzy Sx - Nova Musica NMCD 5110 - Paris 2000. Nel disco opere di C. Miereanu, G. Mendes, C. Rosa, I. Soveral, E. Polonio, J. Antunes, C.Taranu, P. Marietan, A. Stroe]


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