Gruppo musicale

Cseallox Duo

Dati gruppo:
Genova Roberto

Sito web:
Altri componenti:
Antonis Pratsinakis (1983) violoncello


The Amsterdam-based Cseallox duo consists of Roberto Genova (Italy) on saxophones and Antonis Pratsinakis (Greece) on cello. Genova and Pratsinakis first met in September 2008 and immediately shared a close musical connection. Since then they have collaborated with composers throughout Europe and given numerous performances that always remain intimate, emotional, lyrical and innovative.
Cseallox duo repertoire is dynamic: the combination of these instruments invites more and more composers to dedicate new composition for this duo. At the moment, fifteen compositions written by composers from
USA, Russia, Italy, Netherland, Greece, France, Germany and Spain have been performed in different concerts in Italy and in the Netherland.
Cseallox duo doesn’t have limits in ways of performing and is also collaborating with other forms of arts such as dance and visual art.
Recently a series of concerts with music written for Cseallox duo was successfully performed at the XV International saxophone festival of Fermo (IT), at the festival Les Goûts Réunis (NL) and at the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ (NL).


Opere a lui riferibili

Fedrof Nistico, Cinzia A Vc - 2008

Zu Fläche Pierini, Stefano B Vc - 2009

Locandina evento Secondo Concorso de il Saxofono Italiano
Seminario - Mille modi di dire sax
Secondo concorso del Saxofono Classico
Il primo concorso del Saxofono Classico

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